Friday, February 3, 2012

Miss Independent

Well little Nora isn't so little anymore! We have had to make some adjustments to everyday things because little girly wants to be big.

We had to get a booster seat so that she can sit and the table with us when we eat. She didn't like being in the highchair anymore.

New food will only enter her mouth when given to her on a plate or with a spoon or fork that she holds.

She has started to eat tapioca pudding and for the most part she can eat it by herself, with a little supervision. :)

As hard as it has been adjusting to her little independent self, it is exciting to see her getting big.

Valentines Decor

This year I have been really into making valentines decorations, and if you have been on pinterest you would see that there is some really cute stuff out there. That is where all my ideas have come from, other women blogging about their awesome creations.

Here is what I have put up this year and I included some pics on how I made my "kissing balls"

Framed "XOXO"- made these with marbles and paper. Turned out so cute.
Poster with "Be Mine" on it. I love the pink chevron print and the red berries next to it.

Here is the instructions on my "kissing balls"

This is what you will need:
Felt in the colors of your choice- about a yard each
Ribbon for hanging
Styrofoam balls
Hot glue gun

Getting started...

I made three of them, one was a 5" styrofoam ball and the other two were 4" balls from Family Dollar. So I just hot glued a ribbon around the center and left a loop up top so I could thread through a ribbon to hang it.

Then I cut out little flower shapes from different colors of felt. I used red, white and a light pink. This part took FOREVER! But in the end it was worth it. For the big ball I used about a yard of felt, it took about 200 maybe more of the flowers. The two smaller balls took about 120.

After cutting out the flowers you will fold each one in half then in half again and cut off the very tip. Then just put hot glue where you cut and stick to the ball. You can put the flower close together or separate them more, depends on what look you want.

Here is how mine turned out:

Lots of work to make but now I will have them for years to come!

Recap on Christmas and Nora's sweet kitchen!

Since I am just getting back into our family blog, I decided to post some pictures of this past Christmas and the most amazing kitchen that Clarke made for Nora. It's pretty much awesome and I love it. Clarke says we made it more for me than for Nora but I know she will love it as much as I do! Here it is:

Her Christmas stocking is there too, that's how we had it set up for when she woke up.
Here is a pic with all the doors open:

A couple more pictures of Christmas Morning...
I thinks she was enjoying her succor more than the kitchen but she will grow to love it! (If she looks a little drugged, it's because she was. She had a really bad ear infection over Christmas, poor girl.)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New Year, New Goals... Hopefully

So one of my goals for the new year is to keep up on this blog. One of my really good friends is moving this March, and I told her I would keep my blog updated.
Recap on life since California:
Clarke and I are having a little boy, due in March.
Nora is getting so big and her hair is growing... her body, not so much. She has started to expand her vocabulary with words like: ball, apple and hi.
We have decided on a first name for our little guy, his name will be Rafferty. The middle name will be decided soon.
We have been accepted to some Dental schools and have decided on Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. We will be moving really soon... too soon.

Life is moving quickly and we are excited to move with it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Miss Nora, lookin adorable!

Little Nora is getting so big. She turns 7 months this week. Clarke and I took her out to the pool one morning and she looked so cute in her giraffe swim suit.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Our new life in California...

We just moved to Sacramento for the summer and it is B-e-a-u-tiful! We live in a townhouse and our front door walks out onto the pool. Nice is all I have to say. (For anyone who wants to come visit we would love it :)

Little Nora is almost 7 months old- she getting so BIG! I love being a mom and hanging out with our cute little girl. She has such a personality now, and she makes me smile and laugh everyday. 

Clarke is has busy as ever. He works hard everyday with the alarm stuff and still finds time to study for the DAT. 

We love the California weather, although it is getting really hot. Just waiting for the pool to open.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Coming 2010!

Well... we have new little addition coming to the family in October! I am 12 weeks and oh so glad to be coming out of the sickness phase. We couldn't be more delighted for this little spirit to be apart of our family.